10 Reasons Why You May Need Directors & Officers (D&O) Insurance

Imagine this scenario: A company’s managing director makes a sweeping remark on a public forum, sparking a defamation lawsuit by a major client. This escalates to a further investigation by legal authorities. The legal costs for defending these allegations could be enormous and his personal assets could be at a potential risk. How can the managing director cover the cost of defending these claims while at the same time safeguarding his personal assets?
Directors and Officers Insurance.
Also known as D&O Insurance or management liability, it protects a company’s directors and key officers from claims of any alleged wrongful acts. This includes breach of trust, breach of fiduciary duty, an error, wrongful trading and misleading statements.
We have broken down all the 10 reasons why you should have Directors and Officers insurance and ways it could benefit your senior leadership.
Refer to the visual.